We are rarely more aware of how deeply we are connected to nature than when we are pregnant. Something so much bigger and greater than just ourselves is being created. When we choose to surrender to and nurture this process, we enable magic to happen. This is actually true at all times in our lives. We can be pregnant with ideas, intentions, dreams, and purposes. It is up to us which of these unique things we nurture and what we want to create in our lives.
Motherly Love is about owning your true nature. Your bliss, your power, your resilient capacity to grow, change, transform, transcend and then go to sleep and do it again the next day. As humans, and as women, this is what we have the power to do.
Motherly love is about creating inspiration through taking better care of ourselves, deepening the awareness of our awesomeness, and spreading the love.
This journey starts with you; but can involve everything and everyone around you. This includes our shared home base- planet earth. You know the saying- It takes a village! Well, with regards to pregnancy, birth, postpartum care, parenting, and just- you know, eating a meal- it really does take a village to create the support systems we need to thrive and be the best humans we can be- to ourselves, each other, our children and our planet! Through simple things we can do EVERY DAY we can take better care of ourselves and watch how this positive impact can help nourish everything!