Conception/ Fertility Acupuncture
60-75 minutes 350.00
Relaxing acupuncture treatments providing both wellness support for those preparing for conception and adjunctive support to assist the efficacy of IVF and other fertility treatments.
Pregnancy/Postnatal Massage
90 minutes 350.00
'Face-down' massage using a body-contoured cushion system which adjusts to belly size up to full-term for pregnancy (or side-lying). Nursing postpartum moms can be comfortable 'face-down' using this special cushion, too!
Pregnancy/ Postnatal Acupuncture
60-75 minutes 350.00
Traditional acupuncture points combined with relaxing and restorative shiatsu acupressure to address the symptoms of pregnancy in all 3 trimesters and to optimize postpartum recovery and lactation.
Labor Points Massage
90 minutes 350.00
For pregnant clients who are full-term (with permission from OB-GYN/midwife). A relaxing pregnancy massage focused on stimulating the shiatsu/acupuressure points known as "labor points." Stimulating these points helps open the energetic pathways conducive for labor.
Labor Points Acupuncture
60-75 minutes 350.00
For pregnant clients who are full-term (with permission from OB-GYN/midwife). A relaxing acupuncture treatment focused on stimulating points known as "labor points." Stimulating these points helps open the energetic pathways conducive for labor.
Couples Special
90 minutes 325.00
60 minutes 300.00
For Dads and Dads-to-be, visiting relatives and friends- 2 or more consecutive sessions
Yoga with Julia
LMT & RYT200 Yoga Instructor
Single session housecall
A 90 minute private yoga session including assisted stretching and meditation curated to your needs. Choose from a traditional vinyasa class, a yin class, a prenatal or postpartum class. Each session also includes individualized breathwork and guidance for enhanced understanding of poses, deepening your yoga practice and self care.